Anyone in the UAE collecting donations online without a licence faces a prison sentence and a fine of between AED 250,000 and 500,000.
The Public Prosecution has issued a reminder to people who want to help the needy during the Holy Month of Ramadan to follow the legal channels.
This applies to whoever sets up, manages or runs a website, or publishes promotional material without official accreditation.
In addition, anyone collecting donations at mosques without permission from the authorities could be jailed for up to three months, or be fined up to AED 5,000.
لا يجوز جمع التبرعات دون الحصول على ترخيص من السلطات المختصة.#قانون #ثقف_نفسك #ثقافة_قانونية #خلك_حكيم #الامارات #الامارات_العربية_المتحدة #النيابة_العامة_الاتحادية pic.twitter.com/3MqS6NU7ff
— النيابة العامة (@UAE_PP) April 14, 2021