UAE citizens have been urged to postpone all travel plans to Italy amidst COVID-19 outbreak.
In a statement, the UAE Embassy in Rome clarified that this comes as at least 470 cases have been detected in the European country.
Emiratis have been advised by the embassy to follow health instructions issued by the UAE authorities.
They've also been told to avoid visiting areas affected by the virus.
Embassy officials have asked UAE citizens to register themselves in the Tawajudi service, which facilitates communication with people at times of emergency or crisis in order to coordinate their return to the country.
في ظل انتشار #فيروس_كورونا المستجد في عدد من الدول، تنصح سفارة دولة #الإمارات في الجمهورية #الإيطالية مواطني الدولة بتأجيل سفرهم في الوقت الحالي لجمهورية إيطاليا حفاظاً على صحتهم وسلامتهم.
— UAE Embassy Rome (@UAEembassyrome) February 26, 2020