RTA taps into A.I. for better crowd management at Dubai metro stations


Dubai's Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) is turning to artificial intelligence technology to assist in crowd management at metro stations during peak hours.

The initiative aims to develop a smart and interactive system that will help ease congestion and reduce the waiting time for commuters.

The RTA has started the project's trial phase using Nol cards data, simulators and metro demand algorithms to understand detailed passenger journeys.

"We had experimented the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies to propose specific transit timings for riders in a bid to streamline the demand for the metro service and spread it over longer durations. The process requires the development of a model to simulate train journeys throughout the day," said Ahmed Mahboub, Executive Director of Smart Services, Corporate Technology Support Services Sector at the RTA.

"Results of the pilot project indicate that trains serve about 40-80% of those at certain stations during peak times and public events, which is reflected in crowds and more frequent journeys. The experimental use of artificial intelligence reduced the congestion from 40% to 60%, and the waiting time to 30 minutes," he explained.

"These deliverables are currently under review to verify their feasibility and consider undertaking the project in the near future," Mahboub added.

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