It’s the last day for tourists to the UAE to take advantage of the free visa scheme for children aged under 18.
The annual offer, which ran for two months, came into effect on July 15.
The visa fee exemption only applies to kids who are accompanied by a parent.
Details are available through the Amer service centres.
— GDRFA DUBAI إقامة دبي (@GDRFADUBAI) September 4, 2019
تأشيرة سياحية مجانية لمن دون سن الثامنة عشر
Free tourist VISA under the age of 18 years#اقامة_دبي #تأشيرة_مجانية #مطار_دبي #اسعاد_الناس_غايتنا #خدمات_إقامة_دبي #اعلانات_اقامة_دبي pic.twitter.com/fplcWX65Bp