All those working in the UAE federal government will have to return to their offices from next week.
That's according to the Federal Authority for Government Human Resources, which said the remote work plan that was put in place due to COVID-19 precautionary measures has been "cancelled".
The decision will come into effect on Sunday, May 16.
Exemptions will be made for female workers whose children have signed up for distance learning. They will, however, have to return to work after the end of the current academic year.
Workers who have not been vaccinated must undergo PCR tests every week at their own expense. The employer will be required to pay only if the worker has valid medical reasons for not taking the vaccine.
All employees must continue to follow COVID-19 preventive measures, such as wearing of masks and maintaining social distance.
إلغاء كافة الاستثناءات الممنوحة لموظفي #الحكومة_الاتحادية المتضمنة استثناءهم من العودة لمقار العمل بسبب الظروف الطارئة والتصدي لجائحة كوفيد اعتبارا من الأحد 16 مايو باستثناء الموظفات اللائي يتابعن أبنائهن بنظام التعلم عن بعد فيستمر الاستثناء لهن إلى نهاية العام الدراسي pic.twitter.com/s01Iok6A0O
— FAHR (@FAHR_UAE) May 10, 2021