Free parking in Abu Dhabi, Sharjah for Hijri New Year holiday

Motorists in Abu Dhabi and Sharjah can enjoy free parking during the Islamic New Year holiday.

Abu Dhabi's Integrated Transport Centre (ITC) said surface public parking bays will be free to use on Saturday, July 30 and the meters will be reactivated on Monday, August 1.

The ITC called on drivers to park in designated spots and not to block the traffic flow, and to comply with the regulations regarding resident parking (9:00 pm to 8:00 am) in certain areas.

Public buses in the capital will operate based on the usual unified schedule throughout the week.

Sharjah Municipality also took to Instagram to announce free parking, barring in blue zones.

Meanwhile, the Darb toll system in the UAE capital will be suspended during the holiday, and will be reactivated on Monday.

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