Dubai shoppers to benefit from new delivery service


Taxis, couriers and online retailer team up to provide public-private partnership to Dubai customers.

Online shoppers in Dubai have access to a coordinated delivery service courtesy of a collaboration between the Dubai Department of Economic Development, the Roads and Transport Authority’s Dubai Taxi Corporation (DTC), Aramex and Carrefour.

Dubai Taxis and Aramex couriers will now work together to provide residents with their basic items purchased from Carrefour.

The scheme was set up to respond to the high volume of demand for online groceries and essential supplies.

Both Aramex and DTC have allocated a number of vehicles specifically to the delivery of items ordered by Carrefour shoppers online.

The Dubai government supports initiatives that promote non-cash transactions and these have led to a surge in the use of e-stores and smart apps for shopping, according to Omar AlMeheiri, the Director of Follow-up and Development in the Business Registration and Licensing sector in DED.

“The alliance supports the need to stay at home and maintain social distancing, in addition to meeting all basic needs of the community at all times," said AlMeheiri.

Carrefour UAE, Aramex and DTC have given undertakings that the entire supply chain is in accordance with regulations and guidelines set by the World Health Organisation (WHO) and local public health authorities such as regular sanitisation of vehicles and tools used in the delivery process.

“This initiative has the advantage of ensuring zero contact during delivery and considers the health and safety of drivers and customers alike,” said Marwan Al Zarouni, Director of Operations and Commercial Affairs, DTC.


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