Dubai schools inspection system set for changes


The annual inspection system for Dubai’s private schools is getting a makeover.

The Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA) is introducing some changes for the next rating cycle.

Schools will now only be given five days’ notice before the inspections begin. Previously this was three weeks.

There’s also going to be more emphasis on the progress of Emirati students, while schools rated ‘outstanding’ or ‘very good’ will now face review visits.

Moral education, UAE social studies, reading skills, innovation and special needs inclusivity are some of the other priority areas.

These changes are based on the feedback received from parents, students, teachers and school operators.

They will be implemented from the start of the twelfth inspection cycle beginning next month.

More than 185 school leaders and principals were informed of the new developments at a recent gathering hosted by the KHDA. 

Explaining the changes, Fatma Belrehif, CEO of the Dubai School Inspection Bureau (DSIB) said, "After 11 years of inspection, our schools have a deeper understanding of self-evaluation and inspection processes, and are able to engage with the inspection process with a shorter notification period. 

"Our inspectors will be spending more time in schools that need more development."


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