The Dubai Health Authority's Cord Blood and Research Centre have received 72 electronic registration requests from pregnant women who want to store their cord blood stem cells.
The DHA introduced the process in June, so clients don’t have to physically visit the centre during the COVID-19 pandemic.
After registering online by emailing contact details to DCRC@dha.gov.ae, a cord blood stem cells collection kit will be delivered to one's residence.
If the expecting mother is delivering in a government hospital, the cord blood collection kits are available in Dubai and Latifa Hospitals.
DCRC has sent many cord blood units to international centres and has treated 20 patients who were suffering from diseases like leukaemia, thalassemia, and autoimmune diseases using stem cells stored at the centre.
The cells can be kept for up to thirty years.
The facility has gathered more than 7,000 cord blood stem cells since it was set up in 2006.