Many students in the UAE are going back to school today, with two weeks of remote-learning approved in Abu Dhabi.
The Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA) said all private schools in Dubai will continue to function "as usual", with parents selecting between "face-to-face or distance learning for their children".
Schools in the capital will continue remote learning for all students at both public and private schools for the first two weeks of the new term.
The Abu Dhabi Department of Education and Knowledge K12 Education, Licensing and Compliance Division Director, Dr Tareq Al Ameri, told Dubai Eye 103.8's Business Breakfast that the decision was taken to ensure everyone's health during this period.
He went on to explain how the PCR tests for the COVID-19 virus will be applied at the schools.
Earlier, the UAE's Ministry of Education had announced that public schools will follow the distance-learning module for the new term.
The studying hours will be set according to the schedules and the time distribution agreed before the first semester.
Fifty per cent of schools' administrative and technical staff will be allowed to work on shifts.