Staff at a school in Colorado, USA, were shocked to find a bear cub had wandered into the cafeteria and was caught on camera walking along the building's window sill.
Posting on social media the Pitkin County Sheriff's Office wrote: "While some kids are tough to get out of bed and going on Monday mornings, that was not the case for this little bear. Sometime early Monday morning, a small black bear cub found its way into the Aspen School District Middle School and ended up sniffing its way into the school’s cafeteria. All students were sent to other buildings on campus while deputies and officers from the Sheriff’s Office, Aspen Police Department, and Colorado Parks and Wildlife helped remove the little cub from the school. The cub was relocated and all students were back to their regular Monday morning activities by 9:30.
"Please remember to secure all doors and windows overnight or when you are not home, as local bears are in the midst of preparing for their upcoming winter hibernation."
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