Spotify back up for most after global outage


Audio streaming platform Spotify was back up for most users, the company said on Wednesday, after a brief outage that disrupted service for tens of thousands of users globally.

The company did not disclose the number of users affected by the disruption, but outage tracking website showed more than 20,000 incidents in the United States and over 8,000 in the UK at the peak of the outage.

The site tracks outages by collating status reports from sources including user-submitted errors on its platform.

"Everything's looking much better now!," Spotify Status said in a tweet.

Many users took to Twitter to share updates and memes about the service disruption, with 'Spotify' trending at number seven in the US.

Earlier this year, Spotify experienced two short outages. In January, Downdetector reported that the audio streaming platform's outage impacted over 45,000 users in the United States.

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