Kylie Minogue goes "gooey" whenever she talks about her new boyfriend John Sasse. The 47-year-old pop star confirmed last month that she's dating the hunky 27-year-old film producer, and has admitted she struggles to contain her enthusiasm whenever she thinks of him. She said: "I go all gooey at the mention of him." Kylie also admitted to admiring John's skills in the kitchen, which are apparently far superior to her own. Reflecting on her new man's enviable cooking talents, the Australian beauty told the Daily Telegraph newspaper: "I make it clear when I meet someone, just so you know that (cooking) is not my forte." Kylie's confession comes shortly after she insisted the couple "look right together", despite the significant age gap. She said: "I think the general consensus is, we kind of look right together. So even though on paper it might not look right, it just is right. "He is an absolutely brilliant, brilliant guy. And even if I try and act cool and natural, it's written all over my face that I am very happy." And she said that although people are interested in the age gap, it's not a big deal. Kylie explained: "Yeah, there is some mention of that. People are pretty much leaving us to get on with it."