Hearing from you is the best. Whether it's a shout out, a song request or you have something to say to the presenters; our phone lines are (almost always) open!
Save our number as Dubai 92 so we're always ready to chat. We've now got WhatsApp in our studio too and it's the same number that you can call us on. It's just like WhatsApping a mate - click the click to start a chat with us.
WhatsApp the studio on +97148715533
If for some reason you can't access WhatsApp but have something you need our presenters to hear, you can still SMS us like always! Your network may charge you for the message.
SMS the studio on shortcode 4009
You can always drop a message straight into the inbox of our presenters. Fill in the form below and we'll make sure it gets to the right person.
If you are messaging regarding a prize you've won - get in touch with our prize team.
10:00pm - Midnight
Midnight - 1:00am